================================================================================ COPEMED13 WCR Level 1 Processed Data Directory Catalog ================================================================================ Last Update: 19 September 2013 ................................................................................ Directory FileDescriptors Comment Total Size File Size WCR.ExpName.YYYYMMDD...nc; Antenna ID: H1: side or up beam h-pol V1: side or up beam v-pol H2: down_fore antenna V2: down antenna ................................................................................ rf01_jul03 site and instrument testing flight total 1.6 GB 575M WCR.COPEMED13.20130703.080932_083332.CPP-H1H2V2.nc 585M WCR.COPEMED13.20130703.083333_085758.CPP-H1H2V2.nc 478M WCR.COPEMED13.20130703.085759_091754.CPP-H1H2V2.nc ................................................................................ rf02_jul09 clear air flight total 2.9 GB 646M WCR.COPEMED13.20130709.102749_105446.CPP-H1H2V2.nc 2nd trip ground echo 92M WCR.COPEMED13.20130709.105447_105836.CPP-H1H2V2.nc 2nd trip ground echo 30M WCR.COPEMED13.20130709.105837_105953.CPP-H1H2V2.nc 2nd trip ground echo 158M WCR.COPEMED13.20130709.105954_110630.CPP-H1H2V2.nc 2nd trip ground echo 491M WCR.COPEMED13.20130709.110632_112445.CPP-H1V1H2V2.nc 2nd trip ground echo 482M WCR.COPEMED13.20130709.112447_114452.CPP-H1H2V2.nc 493M WCR.COPEMED13.20130709.114454_120526.CPP-H1H2V2.nc clear echo returns 85M WCR.COPEMED13.20130709.120527_120835.CPP-H1H2V2.nc 53M WCR.COPEMED13.20130709.120836_121032.CPP-H1H2V2.nc beam angle cal. maneuvers 117M WCR.COPEMED13.20130709.121033_121451.CPP-H1H2V2.nc 54M WCR.COPEMED13.20130709.121452_121650.CPP-H1H2V2.nc beam angle cal. maneuvers 25M WCR.COPEMED13.20130709.121651_121745.CPP-H1H2V2.nc 238M WCR.COPEMED13.20130709.121747_122741.CPP-H1H2V2.nc ................................................................................ rf03_jul10 total 4.3 GB 803M WCR.COPEMED13.20130710.112419_115409.CPP-H1V1H2V2.nc 700M WCR.COPEMED13.20130710.115932_122533.CPP-H1V1H2V2.nc 568M WCR.COPEMED13.20130710.122535_124641.CPP-H1V1H2V2.nc 636M WCR.COPEMED13.20130710.124642_131021.CPP-H1V1H2V2.nc 41M WCR.COPEMED13.20130710.131022_131154.CPP-H1V1H2V2.nc 618M WCR.COPEMED13.20130710.131156_134127.CPP-H1H2V2.nc 622M WCR.COPEMED13.20130710.134128_140435.CPP-H1V1H2V2.nc 394M WCR.COPEMED13.20130710.140436_141914.CPP-H1V1H2V2.nc ................................................................................ rf04_jul18 total 3.5 GB 6.2M WCR.COPEMED13.20130718.123742_123802.CPP-H1V1H2V2.nc 542M WCR.COPEMED13.20130718.124207_130216.CPP-H1V1H2V2.nc 467M WCR.COPEMED13.20130718.130218_131939.CPP-H1V1H2V2.nc 645M WCR.COPEMED13.20130718.131940_134817.CPP-H1H2V2.nc 493M WCR.COPEMED13.20130718.134818_141009.CPP-H1H2V2.nc 640M WCR.COPEMED13.20130718.141010_143831.CPP-H1H2V2.nc 291M WCR.COPEMED13.20130718.143833_145127.CPP-H1H2V2.nc 257M WCR.COPEMED13.20130718.145129_150252.CPP-H1H2V2.nc 199M WCR.COPEMED13.20130718.150253_151110.CPP-H1H2V2.nc ................................................................................ rf05_jul25 total 4.6 GB 649M WCR.COPEMED13.20130725.102222_104925.CPP-H1H2V2.nc 627M WCR.COPEMED13.20130725.104926_111534.CPP-H1H2V2.nc 620M WCR.COPEMED13.20130725.111535_114128.CPP-H1H2V2.nc 552M WCR.COPEMED13.20130725.114129_120430.CPP-H1H2V2.nc 507M WCR.COPEMED13.20130725.121348_123456.CPP-H1H2V2.nc 623M WCR.COPEMED13.20130725.123458_130058.CPP-H1H2V2.nc 559M WCR.COPEMED13.20130725.130059_132417.CPP-H1H2V2.nc 543M WCR.COPEMED13.20130725.132418_134656.CPP-H1H2V2.nc ................................................................................ rf06_jul27 total 2.9 GB 501M WCR.COPEMED13.20130727.115153_121248.CPP-H1H2V2.nc 588M WCR.COPEMED13.20130727.121249_123721.CPP-H1H2V2.nc 431M WCR.COPEMED13.20130727.123722_125521.CPP-H1H2V2.nc 564M WCR.COPEMED13.20130727.125522_131853.CPP-H1H2V2.nc 338M WCR.COPEMED13.20130727.131855_133300.CPP-H1H2V2.nc 522M WCR.COPEMED13.20130727.133301_135225.CPP-H1V1H2V2.nc ................................................................................ rf07_jul28 total 4.8 GB 550M WCR.COPEMED13.20130728.114649_120947.CPP-H1H2V2.nc 517M WCR.COPEMED13.20130728.120948_123121.CPP-H1H2V2.nc 543M WCR.COPEMED13.20130728.123122_125401.CPP-H1H2V2.nc 573M WCR.COPEMED13.20130728.125402_131755.CPP-H1H2V2.nc 449M WCR.COPEMED13.20130728.131757_133640.CPP-H1H2V2.nc 660M WCR.COPEMED13.20130728.133641_140413.CPP-H1H2V2.nc 440M WCR.COPEMED13.20130728.140415_142236.CPP-H1H2V2.nc 557M WCR.COPEMED13.20130728.142237_144551.CPP-H1H2V2.nc 552M WCR.COPEMED13.20130728.144552_150854.CPP-H1H2V2.nc 48M WCR.COPEMED13.20130728.150855_151055.CPP-H1H2V2.nc ................................................................................ rf08_jul29 total 4.9 GB 511M WCR.COPEMED13.20130729.114754_120912.CPP-H1H2V2.nc 514M WCR.COPEMED13.20130729.120913_123040.CPP-H1H2V2.nc 648M WCR.COPEMED13.20130729.123042_125743.CPP-H1H2V2.nc 556M WCR.COPEMED13.20130729.125745_131824.CPP-H1V1H2V2.nc 536M WCR.COPEMED13.20130729.131825_133821.CPP-H1V1H2V2.nc 451M WCR.COPEMED13.20130729.133822_135508.CPP-H1V1H2V2.nc 620M WCR.COPEMED13.20130729.135510_141811.CPP-H1V1H2V2.nc 537M WCR.COPEMED13.20130729.141812_143810.CPP-H1V1H2V2.nc 195M WCR.COPEMED13.20130729.143812_144527.CPP-H1V1H2V2.nc 415M WCR.COPEMED13.20130729.144528_150248.CPP-H1H2V2.nc ................................................................................ rf09_aug02 total 4.2 GB 32M WCR.COPEMED13.20130802.122228_122347.CPP-H1H2V2.nc 39M WCR.COPEMED13.20130802.122443_122621.CPP-H1H2V2.nc 657M WCR.COPEMED13.20130802.122653_125418.CPP-H1H2V2.nc 698M WCR.COPEMED13.20130802.130115_133023.CPP-H1H2V2.nc 586M WCR.COPEMED13.20130802.133024_135449.CPP-H1H2V2.nc 664M WCR.COPEMED13.20130802.135952_142734.CPP-H1H2V2.nc 626M WCR.COPEMED13.20130802.142735_145342.CPP-H1H2V2.nc 948M WCR.COPEMED13.20130802.150101_154033.CPP-H1H2V2.nc 54M WCR.COPEMED13.20130802.154034_154249.CPP-H1H2V2.nc ................................................................................ rf10_aug03 total 4.9 GB 871M WCR.COPEMED13.20130803.114302_121922.CPP-H1H2V2.nc 849M WCR.COPEMED13.20130803.121924_125448.CPP-H1H2V2.nc 755M WCR.COPEMED13.20130803.125449_132617.CPP-H1H2V2.nc 834M WCR.COPEMED13.20130803.132619_140107.CPP-H1H2V2.nc 719M WCR.COPEMED13.20130803.140108_143107.CPP-H1H2V2.nc 693M WCR.COPEMED13.20130803.143109_150004.CPP-H1H2V2.nc 210M WCR.COPEMED13.20130803.150005_150850.CPP-H1H2V2.nc ................................................................................ rf11_aug06 total 1.6 GB 353M WCR.COPEMED13.20130806.122122_123604.CPP-H1H2V2.nc 174M WCR.COPEMED13.20130806.131856_132610.CPP-H1H2V2.nc 710M WCR.COPEMED13.20130806.140339_143316.CPP-H1H2V2.nc ................................................................................ rf12_aug07 total 4.3 GB 681M WCR.COPEMED13.20130807.123724_130549.CPP-H1H2V2.nc 846M WCR.COPEMED13.20130807.130618_134136.CPP-H1H2V2.nc 796M WCR.COPEMED13.20130807.134137_141451.CPP-H1H2V2.nc 624M WCR.COPEMED13.20130807.141452_144053.CPP-H1H2V2.nc 588M WCR.COPEMED13.20130807.144143_150614.CPP-H1H2V2.nc 803M WCR.COPEMED13.20130807.150726_154055.CPP-H1H2V2.nc 395M WCR.COPEMED13.20130807.154056_155725.CPP-H1H2V2.nc ................................................................................ rf13_aug14 total 4.7 GB 440M WCR.COPEMED13.20130814.113758_115619.CPP-H1H2V2.nc 598M WCR.COPEMED13.20130814.115620_122116.CPP-H1H2V2.nc 516M WCR.COPEMED13.20130814.122145_124316.CPP-H1H2V2.nc 494M WCR.COPEMED13.20130814.124349_130425.CPP-H1H2V2.nc 431M WCR.COPEMED13.20130814.130426_132226.CPP-H1H2V2.nc 108M WCR.COPEMED13.20130814.132227_132659.CPP-H1H2V2.nc 571M WCR.COPEMED13.20130814.133025_135415.CPP-H1H2V2.nc 595M WCR.COPEMED13.20130814.135416_141906.CPP-H1H2V2.nc 716M WCR.COPEMED13.20130814.141945_144937.CPP-H1H2V2.nc 300M WCR.COPEMED13.20130814.144938_150209.CPP-H1H2V2.nc ................................................................................ rf14_aug15 total 3.4 GB 540M WCR.COPEMED13.20130815.122617_124848.CPP-H1H2V2.nc 516M WCR.COPEMED13.20130815.125333_131504.CPP-H1H2V2.nc 504M WCR.COPEMED13.20130815.131556_133658.CPP-H1H2V2.nc 478M WCR.COPEMED13.20130815.133700_135655.CPP-H1H2V2.nc 249M WCR.COPEMED13.20130815.135657_140720.CPP-H1H2V2.nc 543M WCR.COPEMED13.20130815.140721_142959.CPP-H1H2V2.nc 126M WCR.COPEMED13.20130815.143000_143517.CPP-H1H2V2.nc 425M WCR.COPEMED13.20130815.143901_145645.CPP-H1H2V2.nc ................................................................................ rf15_aug17 total GB 7.5M WCR.COPEMED13.20130817.084631_084653.CPP-H1V1H2V2.nc 643M WCR.COPEMED13.20130817.085225_091914.CPP-H1H2V2.nc Up beam: 2nd trip echoes 202M WCR.COPEMED13.20130817.091933_092759.CPP-H1H2V2.nc Up beam: 2nd trip echoes 581M WCR.COPEMED13.20130817.092800_095213.CPP-H1H2V2.nc Up beam: 2nd trip echoes 581M WCR.COPEMED13.20130817.095240_101654.CPP-H1H2V2.nc 541M WCR.COPEMED13.20130817.101721_103954.CPP-H1H2V2.nc ................................................................................ rf16_aug17 total 1.8 GB 609M WCR.COPEMED13.20130817.143352_145916.CPP-H1H2V2.nc 541M WCR.COPEMED13.20130817.145918_152152.CPP-H1H2V2.nc 395M WCR.COPEMED13.20130817.152153_153821.CPP-H1H2V2.nc 267M WCR.COPEMED13.20130817.153822_154931.CPP-H1H2V2.nc ................................................................................ rf17_aug21 total 1.1 GB 506M WCR.COPEMED13.20130821.110459_112605.CPP-H1H2V2.nc 567M WCR.COPEMED13.20130821.112606_114944.CPP-H1H2V2.nc ................................................................................ The files listed below can be seen via: http://www-das.uwyo.edu/wcr/projects/copemed13/PROCESSED_DATA/ 681K WCR_L1_UserNotes.pdf WCR data user manual 22K WCR_L1_COPEMED13.20130320.cdl Processing cdl file 14K wcr2conf_copemed13.pro WCR configuration file ................................................................................ ================================================================================ COPEMED13 WCR Processed Data Files Release Notes ================================================================================ * Revision history: = RevisionDate: 29 August 2013 = RevisionNumber = 1 = Revision_1: Reflectivity, Doppler velocity = ProcessAuthor: Samuel Haimov (haimov@uwyo.edu, atsc-cc@uwyo.edu) * All WCR Level 1 data product files (L1 processed data) are in NetCDF 3.5 and are cataloged above. Additional information about the variables and attributes in the files is provided in the netcdf prototype file COPEMED13.20130320.cdl. Detailed information about the radar configuration and calibration is given in wcr2conf_copemed13.pro. Short user manual about the radar processed data is available in WCR_L1_UserNotes.pdf * The data files are saved in L1/ sub-directories rfXX_mmmDD representing the research flight number and month and date of the flight using the WCR. ATTENTION: If you are reading these notes via the WCR project web page the processed data directories/files are available for download via the web. The access may be password protected. Contact the PI(s) for user/password information. * Quick looks of radar reflectivity and radial Doppler velocity corrected for the radar platform motion contribution are avialbale at: http://www-das.uwyo.edu/wcr/projects/ascii13/QUICKLOOKS/ The quick looks are located in directories named the same as the processed data directories (rfXX_mmmDD). The quick look images show only pixels for targets with reflectivity exceeding 3 standard deviations above the mean noise. The up- and down-pointing beam images, whenever both are availabe, are combined in a single image. The data is interpolated to represent the target in a vertical plane in altitude, but the velocities are not corrected for contamination from the horizontal wind (if any). The flight level is marked as black dotted line in the image. The area around the flight level without any signal represents the radar "blind" zone, which is about 100 m, depending on the transmitted pulse width. The sub-terrain pixels (when shown) are plotted in black. The immediate 75 m (150 m) above the surface for the down (down-slant) beam image are void of showing any targets. This is done to emphasize the possibility of ground clutter in the return from this near surface layer. Other markings are also possible. Currently, when requested, we mark pixels (with diamonds) in the reflectivity image affected by a reciever saturation. Areas where the down and/or up beam deviate from vertical more than 10 degrees are highlighted along the flight level trace with black squares (frequently it plots as a thick black line). This happens when the aircraft is flying with large pitch and/or is in turn. For flights below 2 km above the surface the strong return from the surface may exceed the cross-channel(antenna) isolation. In the quick looks the pixels that may be affected are blanked out. This happens exclusively for the side/up antenna image with a leak from the down antenna surface return (for more see Reflectivity factor notes below). The ground return in dBZ msy slso be plotted (for the up/down reflectivity only) as a straight tick line below the surface cross section (in black) and just above the time axis. * Known specifics of the data in this revision General: = There is an elevated noise (interference) in the first few range gates of the returns from the up(side)-pointing beam; typically the maximum radar range affected is less than 180 m. The cause is unknown and it occures only in flights. It is present frequently. The intensity varies and most of the time its mean value is less than 5 dB above the signal mean noise. Reflectivity in these range gates has an added uncertainty of a few additional dBs. The first 75 m after the blind zone in the quick look images for the up/side beam are blanked. Reflectivity factor: = Reflectivity absolute accuracy is estimated at better than 3 dB. The precision for the full received power dynamic range of the radar is expected to be less than 1 dB. The received power from the up-pointing antenna has been calibrated with a corner reflector. The down and down-slant channels are calibrated relative to the up-antenna channel using weather targets. The additional uncertainty for the down antenna and down-fore antennas antennas w.r.t. the up antenna is about 0.5 and 1.5 dB, respectively. = The receiver stability is better than 0.5 dB/hour when the ambient temperature does not change more than 5 degC/hour. = The transmitter leak to the first few range gates of the received signals is small (estimated to less than 0.3dB above the mean noise) or not detectable. = The received signal from the up and down antennas can get saturated by weather targets stronger than about +22 dBZ in the first 200-300 m from the radar/aircraft. Surface return for up to 5.5 km AGL may have pixels(data points) in the saturation range (0 to ~+3 dBm). The percentage of saturated data points decreases with range and is small at large ranges. = Cross-antenna talk is possible. Strong down-fore antenna targets may leak to the up antenna return and strong down antenna targets may leak into the down-fore antenna return. The most frequent cross-talk contamination is from surface returns from the down antenna, but is typically below 3 standard devitions of the noise. = Reflectivity in a few range gates above the surface returns (if any) may be cluttered by the surface or near surface targets (typically this is less than 150 m for the down- slant beam and 75 m for the down beam). The clutter is more pronounced for the slant beam. = Reflecitvity is not corrected for attenuation due to absorption and scattering. It could be significant in the presence of cloud liquid water and precipitation. Velocity: = Corrected Doppler velocity from the down-pointing beams may have bias of up to +- 1.0 m/s and uncertainty of up to +-1.0 m/s. Typical bias and uncertainty are less than +-0.5 m/s. It is our belief that the bias is mainly due to changes in the antennas pointing angles caused by flexing of the aircraft fuselage not represented in the IRS data. In addition the fuselage expands with altitude and this also changes slightly the antenna pointing directions. Errors in the IRS(navigation) data have an effect as well. = Corected Doppler velocity accuracy from the up-pointing antenna is not quantified with a known reference target. The analysis of appropriate weather targets suggests a maximum bias of ~1 m/s. = The errors in the beam pointing angles for the up and down beams as well as some other errors lead to possible discontinuity in the mean vertical Doppler velocity profile at the flight level. The discrepancy is generally less than 0.3 m/s and typically within 0.1 m/s. It is not established which beam is contributing more to this error. Given that the aircraft flexes/expands differently at the up/side antenna location and the 2 down antenna locations as well as the dependence of these distortions on the altitude and attitude of the aircraft there is no single optimal correction (optimal set of beam angles) for all conditions. = The Doppler data occasionally exhibit folded velocity regions (mostly in the slanted beam return). We do not make an attempt to unfold due to difficulties of automating this process. Typically unfolding any specific data segment is not difficult. For help on this you may contact Samuel Haimov (haimov@uwyo.edu). * Known corrupted data not fixed in this revision: = nothing known in this revision except an intermittent slight interference in the first few range gates of the up-beam reflectivity and velocity ================================================================================