Quasi-Lagrangian measurements of polar stratospheric cloud particle development from long-duration balloon platforms

 Project Sumary

In the past twenty years there has been a rapid decline in Antarctic stratospheric ozone in austral spring. This decline is due to halogens released into the atmosphere since the 1930s. In the stratosphere these halogen molecules are converted to less stable molecules which can then interact with particles, converting inactive to active chlorine. When this occurs it can lead to rapid, chlorine induced, catalytic conversion of ozone to diatomic oxygen in the presence of sunlight. This ozone loss is confined to the polar regions, particularly the austral polar region, because of its dependence on the presence of particles, and thus polar stratospheric clouds. A further investigation of the formation processes in these clouds is the purpose of this International Polar Year (IPY) proposal.


We propose to take advantage of two recent developments which make it possible for the first time to make quasi-Lagrangian in situ measurements of aerosol particle size and number concentration from a long duration balloon. The intellectual merit of this work lies in using this opportunity to capture the processes of particle growth during the formation and dissolution of polar stratospheric clouds  (PSCs), as the instruments pass into and out of temperature regimes favorable for PSC development. The particle measurements along with temperature measurements will allow observations of the threshold temperatures for PSC particle condensation forming liquid cloud particles, including some estimates of their growth rate, and possibly observations of the nucleation rate/threshold for the formation of nitric acid trihydrate (NAT) particles. The question of how NAT nucleates within a PSC is one of the major unanswered question concerning PSC particle development. Observations of non-PSC aerosol as PSC temperatures are approached will add to our understanding of the characteristics of the seed bed for PSC growth. These observations also have the chance to document the existence of large PSC particles in the Antarctic.


The two developments which make this possible are: 1) The development by the French Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales (CNES) of super pressure balloons which can survive polar stratospheric temperatures. In September/October 2005 CNES demonstrated its ability to deploy these isopycnic balloons into the Antarctic winter polar vortex from McMurdo Station. These balloons, which float on a constant air density surface,  stayed aloft for 30-90 days. We contributed to this campaign in 2005 and maintain scientific collaboration with Drs. Francois Vial and Dr. Albert Hertzog, Laboratoire Meterologique Dynamique, France, and technical collaboration with Mr. Philippe Cocquerrez, CNES. Based on this collaboration we have been invited by these individuals to join their Concordiasi  campaign (a French IPY project) planned for September 2008 from McMurdo Station, Antarctica. 2) The development by the University of Wyoming, under NSF MRI funding, of two different balloon-borne in-situ optical particle counters, with operational lifetimes of over 100 hours. This would allow, with judicious use of temperature measurements to control the duty cycle  of the instrument, measurement of the growth of stratospheric aerosol as temperatures approach  and then fall below PSC thresholds. A sampling duty cycle of 10-20 minutes every hour can be maintained for up to 30 days, given instrument lifetimes and the remote power available. The two aerosol instruments are a modified white light instrument developed at the University of Wyoming, with a flow rate of 10 liters min-1 and a size range of 0.15 – 10.0 µm radius, and a laser optical particle counter built by Particle Metrics Inc with a flow rate of 30 liters min-1, and a size range of 0.075 – 2.5 µm. The size range for the laser optical particle counter will be extended to larger sizes for PSC measurements. We propose to develop and deploy four (two of each) aerosol instruments on long duration balloon platforms. These measurements will complement measurements already funded using lidar and sounding balloons to address similar questions related to PSC nucleation and existence of large particles.


The broader impacts of this work have several aspects. This research will explore new possibilities for long-duration mid-stratospheric based platforms for in situ aerosol measurements. This capability may have broader implications than the specific measurements planned for this project. For example tropical, near tropopause, measurements of subvisible cirrus are of high interest for improving our understanding of the impact of clouds on climate. In addition new satellite sensors (on Calipso and Parasol) provide fruitful ground for measurement comparisons in the polar regions. This research contributes to the careers of a staff scientist, engineer, technician, and graduate students. Three of the nine members of this group are women (including the co-PI here), thus increasing the contribution of underrepresented groups in science.

Progress on this project:

        First year annual progress report          Acknowledgment of receipt of progress report

        Calibrations and laboratory tests completed on the six instruments (J4p - J9p) purchased and developed for this project.